The PUK President met Congressman Seth Molton

SULAIMANI – (ESTA) Bafel Jalal Talabani, President of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan, met with Congressman Seth Molton, a member of the House Armed Services Committee, which provides assistance and training to the Peshmerga forces, in Washington, DC.

In the meeting, which was attended by Darbaz Kosrat Rasul, Head of the Relations Bureau, they emphasized the expansion of security and military coordination within the framework of protecting the higher interests and maintaining stability in the region.

President Bafel Jalal Talabani described the nature of the threat from terrorism and the security situation in the region and emphasized that terrorism is not over, and the remnants of ISIS are still a serious threat to the region.

Regarding the energy sector, and strengthening the economic infrastructure of the Kurdistan Region, President Bafel said that following a revised and a national policy for natural gas in the Kurdistan Region is a guarantee of economic strength in the region. He added that in order to achieve these goals, we need the cooperation and coordination of all parties.

The situation in the Middle East and regional tensions were another topic of the meeting and both sides stressed the need to end conflicts and return to dialogue as the only basis for resolving issues.

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