Bafel Jalal Talabani met with Congressman Pat Ryan

SULAIMANI – (ESTA) Bafel Jalal Talabani, President of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK), met with Congressman Pat Ryan, member of the House of Representatives Armed Services Committee which authorizes funding for Peshmerga training and equipment.

In the meeting, which was attended by Darbaz Kosrat Rasul, Head of the Relations Bureau, the two sides discussed the issues of Peshmerga forces and energy, and they emphasized efforts for a peaceful solution to the issues in the region.

President Bafel Jalal Talabani explained the PUK’s position on the unification of the Peshmerga forces and the energy sector, saying that the continued assistance of the United States and the international coalition is a strong factor in the unification of the Peshmerga forces.

Bafel Jalal Talabani said “Handling an important sector such as energy sector in a healthy and nationalistic way is our objective and we will strive for it. We want this national wealth to pave the way to a more stable and prosperous future and become a source of prosperity for our people.”

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