The Finance Committee will hold its last meeting on the budget today

The Finance Committee of the Iraqi House of Representatives is scheduled to hold its last meeting today to discuss the schedules of this year’s budget. A member says it is difficult to change a letter.

Ahmad Mazhar, chairman of the Finance Committee of the Iraqi House of Representatives, said, “The committee will hold the last meeting on the 2024 budget tables before presenting it for a vote in the House of Representatives.”.

He added that “the authorities and guidelines do not allow us to amend the budget table, while the dream of many is to change in terms of employment or the rights of the province and others, so it is difficult to change a letter.”.

“Today’s meeting will decide whether to pass the schedules in tomorrow’s session or postpone them after Eid al-Adha,” Mazhar said.

The House of Representatives has set Monday as the deadline for voting on the 2024 federal budget.

On May 19, the Iraqi Council of Ministers voted on this year’s budget in an extraordinary meeting and sent it to the House of Representatives for approval.

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