Iraq marks one year since elections, UNAMI urges for agreement

SULAIMANI (ESTA) — Iraq marked one year since the country held its general elections and the United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq UNAMI on Monday urged all sides to reach an agreement without preconditions.

Iraq on October 10 last year held its parliamentary election, it was followed by a nationwide anti-government protest during which protesters called for a snap election.

It was a hard-earned election,” UNAMI labeled the October election in a statement.

“It is now time for the political class to assume responsibility and match words with action,” UNAMI said.

“All actors must engage in dialogue without preconditions. Through compromise, they must collectively agree on key outcomes that reaffirm their publicly stated objective.”

“The time to act is now,” the statement urged.

On the same occasion, the Iraqi President, Barham Salih released a message to the public.

“One year marked since the elections but without completing the constitutional entitlements,” Salih said.

“This day is a painful reminder of the missed opportunities, is an important encouragement to integrate the efforts and launching national gatherer dialogue,” Salih added.

“It now the time to end the storm of the crises and build a healthy governance,” the Iraqi President said.


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