Kurdistan parliament to vote on Kamal Atrushi’s nomination on Wednesday

Kurdistan parliament building

SULAIMANI (ESTA) — The Kurdistan Parliament will hold an extraordinary session on Wednesday to vote on Kamal Atrushi’s nomination for the ministry of natural resources.

The Region’s parliament called on lawmakers to attend an extraordinary session on Wednesday to vote on the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) Prime Minister Masrour Barzani’s nominee for the ministry of natural resources.

Barzani selected Kamal Abdulhamid Abdulrahman, also knows as Kamal Atrushi, to fill the long-vacant position of the ministry of natural resources, KRG spokesman Jotiar Adil said on Sunday.

The post has been held by the premier in the interim since July 2019, when the ninth cabinet was sworn in.

A source from the Kurdistan Parliament told Esta Media Network on Sunday that the “Kurdistan Democratic Party has a candidate for the position”.

The Kurdistan parliament will also vote on a bill on sale and lease of public assets in the Region.

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