The PUK president received French Ambassador to Iraq

SULAIMANI – (ESTA) Bafel Jalal Talabani, President of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK), received Patrick Durel, French Ambassador to Iraq, in Sulaimani.

The meeting discussed the development of relations, the election and the conflicts between Erbil and Baghdad and stressed the continuation of the talks to reach a positive outcome.

The PUK prsident has said that, “the PUK does not want to be part of the unjust political conflict in which people’s lives are sacrificed and the legal institutions of the Kurdistan Region are questioned. Our efforts are to hold fair elections and establish healthy and fair governance.”.

Regarding the steps taken by the PUK to resolve the salary issue and ensure a stable life for the people, Talabani said that, “mixing salaries and people’s lives with political conflicts is inappropriate and we have stood against it in any way. We would like to thank our friends for their help and support.”.

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