Regarding the election results, the PUK leader sent out a message

SULAIMANI – (ESTA) President of PUK, has issued a message on the final results of the elections and mentioned, “The reaffirmation of the Kurdishness of the separatist regions and the election of the PUK as your true representative is a historical lesson that we will never forget”.

Bafel Jalal Talabani, President of Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK), said, “Dear Kurds in Kirkuk, Khanaqin, Mandali, Makhmur, Nineveh, Sinjar and Duzkhurmatu, I congratulate you on the victory of the elections, I am proud of the national spirit you showed on the day of the provincial council elections and wrote another pride in history.”

Also, PUK president said, “The reaffirmation of the Kurdishness of the separatist regions and the election of the PUK as your true representative is a historical lesson that we will never forget, It is our duty and responsibility to be faithful to your loyalty and to serve you as the basis of your resistance, we will continue what President Mam Jalal did for Kirkuk in serving and deepening unity and coexistence and will follow in his footsteps.”

Furthermore, he added, “We would like to thank our voters, citizens and all other nationalities and communities who chose the Kirkuk is our might and determination, I assure you that we will be in your hope and loyalty, we also appreciate the efforts and hard work of our cadres during the election campaign and voting”.

At the end PUK president said, “The new phase of our work must be to deepen peace and prosperity in the region, Let us hold the bouquet of flowers of President Mam Jalal and respect all different opinions and work together with our Arab brothers, Shiites and Sunnis, Turkmen brothers and all other nations and indigenous communities to build a bright future, our beloved people expect more service and a more decent life from us and we promise not to hesitate to serve them and together towards more service and greater success.”

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