PM Kadhimi meets head of Al-Fateh Alliance as first step to de-escalate situation

Iraqi Prime Minister Mustafa al-Kadhimi chairs a meeting of Council of Ministers in Baghdad,

SULAIMANI (ESTA) — Prime Minster Mustafa al-Kadhimi on Wednesday met with the head of the Al-Fateh Alliance as the first step of his initiative aiming to de-escalate the situation in Iraq.

After nearly a week of political unrest in Iraq and tension between the parties, the situation is slightly de-escalated since Prime Minster Mustafa al-Kahimi launched an initiative to bring the parties together and invite them to sit on the table of dialogue.

As the first step he met the head of the Al-Fateh Alliance Hadi Al-Amiri, the Iraqi news agency reported.

INA cited a statement from the PM’s office regarding the content of the meeting as saying that the latest political developments in Iraq and ways to address the current situation were discussed.

“The two sides discussed the latest developments in the political situation and new initiatives to find solutions and ease the growing tension in the country,” it said.

Earlier, the Iraqi Prime minister on Monday in a message launched an initiative, demanding all parties to stay calm and reduce the tensions, in order to launch an initiative for a solution on a national basis.

While the UNAMI in a press release welcomed the calls for national dialogue saying that the leaders must prioritize national interest to find urgent solutions to the crisis.

“Meaningful dialogue among all Iraqi parties is now more urgent than ever, as recent events have demonstrated the rapid risk of escalation in this tense political climate,” it said.

UNAMI also said, No party or group can claim that the crisis does not involve them or affect them, adding that the United Nations stands, as always, ready to support and assist Iraq, according to the press release.

“Iraqis do not need continued power struggles or stand-offs. They need solutions, and a commitment to implementing them, to draw their country out of its political crisis” it added.

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