PUK tells coordination framework that “it made significant step” for Al Sudani’s nomination

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SULAIMANI (ESTA) — The Patriotic Union of Kurdistan politburo welcomed the nomination of Mohammed Shia’ Al Sudani for Iraq’s premiership by the Shiite coordination framework on Monday.

In a statement, PUK’s politburo said, “We offer gratitude to the gentlemen from the coordination framework that made such a significant step for nominating Al Sudani for Iraq’s premiership”.

PUK wished that this step complete the legal and constitutional entitlements, and accelerate the government formation, according to the statement.

Despite welcoming such a decision, the PUK stressed strengthening coordination and retaining national relations to succeed the reform process, formation of a service government that generates stability strengthening statehood pillars, and protecting the national as well the constitutional rights of the Kurdish people, deepening the reconciliation spirit between all nations as well, as mentioned in the statement.

Earlier on Monday, the Shiite coordination framework confirmed in a statement that it has nominated Mohammed Shia’ Al Sudani for Iraq’s premiership.



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