Qubad Talabani meets with the Chinese Consul General in the Kurdistan Region

SULAIMANI –(ESTA) Deputy Prime Minister of Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) Qubad Talabani welcomed Liu Jun, Consul General of China, in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq.

In the meeting that was held in Erbil, Qubad Talabani thanked the Chinese government for its assistance in the past in encouraging students from Kurdistan Regional Government institutions in various fields to participate in vocational training courses to visit the country.

The Deputy Prime Minister of KRG called on them to work together to further develop and continue the vocational training program so that in the future, more students in different fields, especially trade, agriculture, environment and tourism, can participate in vocational training courses. Kurdistan can benefit more from China’s rich development experience.

In this regard, the Chinese Consul General expressed his country’s readiness to further develop vocational training programs for students in the Kurdistan Region in various fields.

In another part of the meeting, they discussed a special program of the Deputy Prime Minister’s Office dedicated to developing the abilities of Kurdish athletes and currently within the framework of this program، a number of Kurdish athletes, especially in the field of martial arts،.

In this regard, the plan of the sports department of the Deputy Prime Minister’s Office is that a team of high-level Chinese martial arts trainers is scheduled to come to the Kurdistan Region in the near future to open training courses and conduct sports activities.

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