Iraq deployed federal police to Sinjar, says military

This Aug. 17, 2015, photo shows a general view of the northern Iraqi town of Sinjar, west of the city of Mosul. (AFP)

SULAIMANI (ESTA) — The Iraqi federal government has deployed units of federal police to Sinjar district as part of an agreement reached with the Kurdistan Region, the military said.

The federal government and the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) reached an agreement last month to normalize the governance and security situation in Sinjar.

Spokesman of Iraq’s Joint Operations Command Tahsin al-Khafaji said the federal police forces were deployed to Sinjar to provide security and implement the agreement.

“Work has begun to implement the Sinjar agreement, which includes the presence of the federal forces, and there are no other forces, neither from the Peshmerga nor the others, and only the Iraqi flag is raised,” Khafaji told state media INA on Saturday.

The deployment of federal police to Sinjar came after Iraqi and Kurdish officials met in Erbil last week to discuss the implementation of the agreement. U.N. envoy to Iraq Jeanine Hennis-Plasschaert also attended the meeting.

KRG Interior Minister Rebar Ahmed said in a joint press conference with Iraqi National Security Advisor Qassem Araji that they would work to normalize the situation in Sinjar, facilitate return of displaced people and reorganize governance and administration the district.

Araji said, “Good steps have been taken to normalize the situation, return the displaced and keep away those who harm [Sinjar] security.”

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