KRG PM discusses investment in Region in phone call with U.S. energy secretary

KRG Prime Minister Masrour Barzani (R) shakes hands with U.S. Secretary of Energy Dan Brouillette, on the sidelines of the the Munich Security Conference, February 14, 2020. (KRG)

SULAIMANI (ESTA) — Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) Prime Minister Masrour Barzani on Friday spoke by phone with U.S. Secretary of Energy Dan Brouillette to discuss investment opportunities for U.S. American companies in the Region.

The KRG premier welcomed ongoing U.S. support and assistance to the Kurdistan Region and the federal government, a KRG statement read.

“I welcomed the Secretary’s ambition for growing U.S. investment in the energy sector in the Kurdistan Region and Iraq,” Barzani was quoted as saying.

“Our region presents a range of exciting opportunities for foreign investment, including in areas such as natural gas,” he added.

“This will help grow our region’s economy, and Kurdistan can also be a hub for companies looking to invest elsewhere in Iraq, bringing jobs and growth across the country.”

The telephone call came a few days after Deputy Assistant Secretary for Iraq Affairs in the U.S. State Department David Copley met with Barzani in Erbil.

Copley said U.S. remains a “steadfast ally” to the Kurdistan Region, acknowledging the importance of further strengthening ties with the Region, with a particular focus on trade relations, KRG said in a statement.

“As part of efforts to boost trade, a conference will be held next month to promote the Kurdistan Region as a preferred trading partner and encourage US investment,” KRG cited Copley as saying.

Barzani welcomed further U.S. investment toward a stronger economy in the Kurdistan Region, the statement said.

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