Knife sharpener: Kurdish man has kept his father’s job since 1980s

Hama Salih Hama Gharib sharpens blade of a knife at his shot in Sulaimani city. (Esta Media Network)

SULAIMANI (ESTA) — A Kurdish man living in the Kurdistan Region’s city of Sulaimani has worked for years as a knife sharpener, a job that he has learned from his father.

Hama Salih Hama Gharib says he has been sharpening blades of knives, meat grinders, lawn cutting machine, scissors and metal cutting scissors since 1980s.

“I have learned the job from my father,” Gharib tells Esta Media Network.

Gharib, however, says he does not make knives now because its market is weak and does not make money.

Another reason, he mentions, is that the steel knives which are available in the markets now are cheap and are not rusted.

“I will do this job as long as I can because I am comfortable with it,” Hama Gharib adds.

“I do my best so people will come back. I am comfortable because people praise my job and say ‘well done and mercy upon your parents’,” he notes.

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