KRG PM discusses trade relation with top U.S. diplomat   

KRG Prime Minister Masrour Barzani meets David Copley, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Iraq Affairs in the U.S. State Department, in Erbil, October 6, 2020. (KRG)

SULAIMANI (ESTA) — Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) Prime Minister Masrour Barzani met with David Copley, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Iraq Affairs in the U.S. State Department, in Erbil on Tuesday.

The two sides discussed the latest developments in Iraq and the region as well as bilateral relations between the United States and the Kurdistan Region during the meeting in which U.S. Consul-General Rob Waller also attended, KRG said in a statement.

Copley said the United States remains a “steadfast ally” to the Kurdistan Region, acknowledging the importance of further strengthening ties with the Region, with a particular focus on trade relations, the KRG’s statement read.

“As part of efforts to boost trade, a conference will be held next month to promote the Kurdistan Region as a preferred trading partner and encourage US investment,” KRG cited Copley as saying.

Barzani, for his part, welcomed further U.S. investment toward a stronger economy in the Kurdistan Region, the statement said.

The KRG premier also reaffirmed “the government continues to make progress with its ambitious reform agenda, working to diversify its economy and revenue sources,” the KRG added.

Regarding issues with Baghdad, Barzani conveyed KRG’s commitment to finding a peaceful, political solution to outstanding disputed with the federal government.

“Respect for the constitution and the principles of equality is crucial to achieving as well as maintaining peace and stability in Iraq and the region,” Barzani said.

He further said international community’s support had been “essential in helping bridge gaps with Baghdad”, according to the statement.

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