Iran conducts ground forces drill near Kurdistan Region border

This photo released Tuesday, Jan. 19, 2021, by the Iranian Army, shows a military drill. (Iranian Army via AP)

SULAIMANI (ESTA) — Iranian forces on Sunday conducted a ground forces drill near the Kurdistan Region’s border in the northwest of the country, according to Iranian media.  

Iran’s state news agency IRNA cited Qasr-e Shirin governor Ali Tatar as saying on Saturday that the armed forces were participating in the exercises to show their capabilities.

“Iran’s armed forces are fully prepared to face any attack on the country,” the governor was quoted as saying.

Qasr-e Shirin is located on the border with Garmian administration in the Kurdistan Region.

On Thursday, the Iranian revolutionary guards also conducted a ground forces drill near the Iraqi border in the southwest of the country.

Tank divisions, drone units and paratroopers participated in the annual drill – dubbed the “Great Prophet” – that followed week-long celebrations marking the 42nd anniversary of the 1979 Islamic Revolution.

The Islamic Republic has recently conducted several military exercises as it seeks to push the United States to return to Tehran’s 2015 nuclear deal with world powers.

Last month, Iran tested surface-to-surface ballistic missiles and short-range naval missiles, as well as a wide range of domestically produced drones.

U.S. President Joe Biden, who took office last month, has said Washington will rejoin the deal that his predecessor Donald Trump abandoned “if Iran resumes strict compliance” with the agreement, which imposed strict curbs on Tehran’s uranium enrichment activities in return for a lifting of sanctions.

Former U.S. president Donald Trump reinstated tough sanctions when he abandoned the accord in 2018. Iran has said Washington must rejoin the deal before it resumes compliance.

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