Turkish drone strikes PKK militants in Yezidi-populated Sinjar

A Turkish drone bombs a vehicle in Tutaqal village in Chamchamal, west of Sulaimani, May 21, 2022. (Anadolu Agency photo)

SULAIMANI (ESTA) — Kurdistan Region’s Counter-Terrorism service Friday said a Turkish drone strike targeted the Kurdistan Worker’s Party (PKK) militants in Sinjar, resulting in five casualties.   

At approximately 1540 local time a Turkish drone struck the PKK militant’s vehicle in Sinjar district, Kurdistan CT said.

Kurdistan CT further elaborated on the attack saying that it resulted in the killing of two PKK militants and the wounding of three others in the Yezidi-populated Sinjar.

The PKK has yet to comment on the attack. No additional information is available currently on the identity of the victim whether they were Senior members of the PKK or not.

The PKK managed to establish its stronghold in Sinjar in 2014 under the pretext of protecting the local Ezidi community from the Islamic State (ISIS) terror group.

Due to the hostilities between PKK and Turkey, Sinjar became a center of competition and conflict, resulting in a massive loss for the locals.

Back then, The Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) signed an agreement with the Federal government regarding the normalization of Sinjar’s situation and PKK withdrawal in that region. But so far, the agreement has not gone into effect.

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