KRG needs $929 million per year for IDPs, refugees in Kurdistan Region: JCC

IDP children in front of their tent at a refugee camp in the outskirts of Duhok, February 27, 2015. (Reuters)

SULAIMANI (ESTA) — The Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) needs at least $929 million per year to meet the needs of internally displaced persons (IDPs) and refugees settled in the Kurdistan Region, authorities said on Wednesday.

KRG’s Joint Crisis Coordination Center (JCC) said in its humanitarian situational report that the Kurdistan Region shelters 992,732 displaced persons and refugees, of which 734,713 were IDPs.

There are 238,345 Syrians, 8,440 Turkish citizens, 10,534 Iranians and 700 Palestinians in the Region, the joint crisis coordination center added.

Twenty-nine percent of the IDPs and refugees live in 35 camps in the provinces of Erbil, Sulaimani and Duhok, the JCC added.

Up to 42,465 IDPs and 38,778 refugees are settled in Erbil and 56,139 IDPs and 22,476 refugees are sheltered in Duhok, the JCC stated. Sulaimani shelters 34,370 displaced people and 9,825 refugees.

“The Kurdistan Regional Government needs at least $929 million yearly to provide the basic services for displaced persons and refugees in the Kurdistan Region,” the JCC said.

Tens of thousands of Iraqis and Syrians left their homes after Islamic State (ISIS) militants overran large swathes of Iraq and Syria in 2014. Many who were displaced fled towards the Kurdistan Region given its relative stability and security.

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