Political crisis is yet to be over: Iraqi President

Iraqi President Barham Salih (AFP photo)

SULAIMANI (ESTA) — Iraqi President Barham Salih in a televised speech on Tuesday addressed the people and said the political crisis is yet to be over.

President of the Republic of Iraq Barham Saih, hours after when Baghdad’s unrest was lowered, in a televised speech, addressed the Iraqi people, expressing concerns about shedding the “Valuable” blood of the Iraqis.

According to the President’s words, the stance that influential Shia cleric Muqtada al-Sadr showed earlier the Salhi’s speech to end the violence, does not mean the political crisis is over.

“The crisis is related to the governing System,” Salih said.

“We need serious reform that leads us to resolve the inherent issues of the governing system” Salih added.

The president assumed that holding a snap election with a national understanding is a way out for deadly the deadly crisis that grasped Iraq, he explained in the speech, “The solution is frank national dialogue to set up a road from for the next stage,” he continued.

While on the outstanding issues between the Kurdistan Region government and the Iraqi government, President Salih said it is “unacceptable”.

The President’s speech came after Iraq’s political turmoil reached its peak and quite shaped in the Iraqi capital, Baghdad was on the edge of an intra-Shiite civil war when supporters of powerful Iraqi Shia cleric Sadr held a mass rally which turned into deadly armed conflict in the Capital.

The Chaos de-escalated after Sadr urged his supporters to withdraw from the streets and stop the violence, Iraq was battered by hours of armed confrontation between the rival Shiite groups and the security forces, medics said at least 23 people were killed as the result with recording hundreds of injuries.

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