U.N. envoy urges ‘continued and stepped-up efforts’ to tackle challenges facing Kurdistan

U.N. Envoy to Iraq Jeanine Hennis-Plasschaert and representatives of the Kurdish political parties meet the United Nations compound in Erbil, May 26, 2022.

SULAIMANI (ESTA) — U.N. Envoy to Iraq Jeanine Hennis-Plasschaert on Thursday urged “continued and stepped-up efforts” to solve challenges facing the Kurdistan Region.

Leaders and representatives of the Kurdish political parties met at the U.N. compound in Erbil on Thursday, at the invitation of United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq (UNAMI).

Bafel Jalal Talabani of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK), Ali Bapir of the Kurdistan Justice Group, Omer Said Ali of Change Movement, Fadil Mirani of the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP), Salahdin Babakr of the Kurdistan Islamic Union and Badria Rashid of New Generation attended the meeting.

The meeting provided a timely opportunity for the parties to exchange views on various issues, including the need to move away from divisive politics and the way forward to credible and transparent elections,” UNAMI said in a statement.

“Serving the interests of the peoples of the Kurdistan Region dominated today’s discussions,” it added.

Hennis-Plasschaert thanks the parties for participating in the meeting, urging “continued and stepped-up efforts to tackle the multiple challenges the Kurdistan Region faces,” the statement read.

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